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Kodak M35 Film Camera



The Kodak M35 Film Camera is a reloadable film camera that uses 35mm film. Just like the Kodak range of a disposable cameras, M35 has fixed focus lens, manual winding and rewinding and a switch to turn the flash On/Off. Simply pop in a roll of 35mm film and load it in, take your photos, rewind and get your roll developed. The hardest part is choosing which colour M35 to buy!

**Please note this camera does not come with film**


  • Takes 35mm Film
  • Optical lens: 31mm, f = 10, 1 element
  • Effective shooting distance: focus free, 1 m – Infinity
  • Shutter speed: 1 / 120s
  • Manual wind and rewind
  • Film and AAA Battery not included.


Want to know more about the Kodak M35 Film Camera? Check out this link!

Or are not sure which film to start with? Why not some Kodak Colour plus? Or some Kodak Ultramax?

