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Why Choose Us?

We'd love to help you with your next project!

We select our product carefully and utilize locally owned and operated manufacturers whenever possible. We put a lot of effort into ensuring continuity and consistency of supply for our goods, this means you don’t end up with a mismatched home. Our team monitors trends locally and globally allowing us to release new products that are more “fashionable” and suit your style. A major focus for us is to support the use of sustainable and renewable resources.

Imageland has the ability to co-ordinate large projects for corporate customers. Our in-house services are handled at one single location. Getting a boardroom looking great really can be made easy.

Imageland was a major sponsor of the NZ Tree Project. Despite the obvious matter of the project making great images, there was a much more compelling purpose for our support. The recycled rimu timber frames we make are extremely popular. Much of the timber for these frames is sourced from old state houses. The main native timber supply for many of these homes was gathered from Pureora forest where logging came to a dramatic end in 1978 which was highlighted and celebrated through the NZ Tree Project. Imageland is proud to be re-using this timber to frame memories which we trust will survive many generations.

We care about what things are, where they come from and who they impact. Ensuring our supply chain is ethical is very important and we welcome feedback which helps us improve.
